Friday, September 11, 2015

Saturday Story from Siva (60): A farmer's message to his sons (Unity is Strength)

It has been said, "United we stand, divided we fall." We have also read so many stories that reinforced our thinking that 'unity is strength.' It is no more the question of one being everything or doing everything. It is team work everywhere. Be it at home or in the office, it is important that people believe in this aspect fully and learn to practice it with sincerity and honesty. Here is another simple story that we could reinforce our belief in the power of unity.
A farmer's message to his sons (Unity is Strength)
A farmer who had a quarrelsome family once called his sons and told them to lay a bunch of sticks before him. 

Then, after laying the sticks parallel to one another and binding them together, he challenged his sons, one after one, to pick up the bundle and break it. One after another, they all tried to break the bundle. But no one could break it. 

Then, untying the bundle, he separated the sticks. He gave his sons the individual sticks to break one by one. This time, they broke the stocks easily. Then he told his sons, "My sons, why do you quarrel and stay divided like these individual sticks? If you become and stay united, you are a match for anything. But if you continue to quarrel and live separately, you become very weak."
So true! Unity is strength. Let us be conscious of it and practice it in our day-to-day life. Be a good team player, and encourage your team members also to cooperate and collaborate for collective success.
To your continued success,
With love,

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