Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Monday Motivation for Success from Siva (49): Perceptions could soon become facts; Beware!!

It is nothing but natural for people to develop perceptions about other people they deal with and also the situations they face. Perceptions play a lot more role than they are perceived to. They could make or break a relationship, develop or derail a career, provide peace or create a chaos, condition a mind, and lead to many more potentially positive or negative consequences. They are creating the present as well as the future. Let us take a look at this story from the Srimadbhagavatam.
Perceptions could soon become facts; Beware!! 
As Krishna entered the city of Mathura and walked down the road, the people came out to see him. He appeared differently to different people. Rather different people found and perceived him differently. The mothers saw him like a small child. The merchants honoured him with various offerings of betel nut, garlands and fragrant substances. The young women were thrilled to see Him but felt jealous of the gopis of Gokul who had the good fortune of playing with Krishna. The other citizens who saw him were also so pleased that they could not take their eyes off him.

But for Kamsa, Krishna appeared like a big enemy. He was horrified as he could see his death in him. The wrestlers who were asked to fight Krishna were also terrified even to look at him. They knew they would die, but felt themselves helpless as they had no other way but to fight as per the orders of their king Kamsa.

Krishna was same, but different people viewed and perceived him differently. And, their perceptions came very true. Whatever they thought abut Krishna that turned out to be correct. The wrestlers and kamsa were decimated while the people of Mathura were blessed with peace, happiness, and prosperity by Krishna. 
That is so true! You ought to be careful about your perceptions. Your perceptions are more to do with your own thought processes. They end up becoming a reality very soon. Though they are only perceptions and you might have also totally mistaken in your judgement, they have a great chance of becoming true. Be cautious with your own perceptions.
To your continued SUCCESS,
With love,
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