Monday, September 7, 2015

Sales Secret (24) : 'The Go-Giver Award' Movie is here; Watch it.

Hope you had a great last week. As you begin the new week, I wish you a great week of more and more.

I have earlier posted a Sales Secret (#12) "Go givers sell more," and I hope you had an opportunity to read it, internalise its essence, and put it into practice. Any thought when repeatedly thought about gets a better chance of becoming a belief. That belief could soon translate into related actions which will pave way for results. I made a mention of the idea "Go Givers Sell More" and referred to a book with the same title. Hope you liked the idea and pondered over it. 

We all want to get more and more in our life. We want more money, more time, more energy, more resources, more friends, more relationships, more clients, more love, more leisure, more fun, more joy, and more of what not. A lot of them! And to get more of all that, we all strive a lot day-in and day-out. But can we alter our focus from 'getting more' to 'giving more' so that we get more of what we want? Do we agree that we have to give more? Yes, we have to give more.

So, in order to be able to get more, the best way is to give more:
1. Give more value than you receive in payment.
2. Serve as many people as you can - As well as you can. 
3. Put other people's interest first.
4. Give the gift of your authentic self.
5. Always be open to receiving.

There are so many people who have been go givers to you. Aren't they? Who are they? It is also time to remember and recognise them. It is because of them what you are today. Who are your go givers in your life? Your parents? Your spouse? Your child? Your co-worker? Your friend? Your supervisor? Your neighbour? Your employee? Your teacher? Your employer? Your domestic helper? So many of them mattered to you as they gave you.

It is time we think of giving more and more. And that is the best way to get more and more.

I gave you earlier a link to the video "The Go Giver Award." I hope you took your time to click on the link and watch that beautiful video. If not, here is another chance for. Go and get it. Click on the "The Go-Giver Award" link given below and watch the 3 minute video. You will be very happy.

To your sales success,
With love,
PS: Sales Secrets (#12): Go Givers Sell More Than the Go Getters

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