Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sales Secrets (23): Sincerity is the Keynote in all sales situations

You ought to be sincere in your thought, word, and deed if you want someone else to accept you and do what you want him to do. You gotta be sincere in your intent in the first place, and that ought to be to help, to give, to benefit, to enrich, to elevate, to uplift, and to reach out. Then, your proposal gotta be sincere that fits well to meet the needs of the person you are talking to. Then your promises have to be sincere which can be delivered in full and timely manner. 

When your customer sees you sincere, he or she would be willing to pay attention to you, provide you the information you need, answer the questions you may ask, and evaluate the proposition you would like to offer. But, how do you demonstrate your sincerity to your customer?
A: By showing concern for the customer and his needs. 

But how do you do that in such a way that your customer would know that you are sincere? 
A: By asking questions that will reveal your intentions that you want to learn about his needs and offer him only the solutions that best fit into his requirements. And, then listening to him sincerely while he is talking.

What are the questions you can ask that the customer could feel your sincerity and genuineness?
A: Well-framed questions asked in the right fashion at the right time will help make your customer feel your sincerity. And you gotta prepare and practice this art of "Asking Questions."If questions are not asked in the right manner, it could boomerang and invite an undesirable response from your customer and could potentially rob you off a great sales opportunity.

Also, you must listen to your customer and make him feel that you are keen to learn about his needs. 'Listening' is again an art and perfected with intent and effort. 

There are many other ways and means by which you could demonstrate to your customer your sincerity. We shall work on them in due course of time on this blog.
Now, let us discuss further on this post on "Asking Questions' & 'Listening' aspects: What and How? It would be great if you could also comment and share your ideas and views on this.

To your sales success,
With love
PS: Related articles for more information on this sales thought could be found at the links given below:
1) Customers Want to Buy From Sincere Salespeople by Richard Libin

2) Page 28 of the book "The New Professional Salesman" by  Walter Vieira

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