Friday, September 4, 2015

Sales Secrets (22): The EYE becomes the KEY to BUY

Have you heard the saying 'Seeing is believing?' People have needs for different products or services. But those needs of the people are mostly latent within. They remain in an unfelt state. Only when you convert that unfelt need into a felt urgency, they make a decision to buy. How can you achieve that?

One way of accomplishing it becoming visible to your customer. When you are seen, there is a greater chance of the customer start thinking about you, your product, and your services. And that might trigger a thought process that could help him start seeing his need and the benefit of the solution that you offer. 

Impulses play a major role in the decision making process of people. When the customer's eye catches the sight of a person or a product or a service, there is a greater chance for the progression from an impulse to a thought to a need to a felt-need, and finally to an urge to buy.  

The eye is the key. Become visible. Make things visible. Get more sales. 
To your sales success,
With love
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