Monday, December 30, 2013

Unstoppable Updates (12) Happy & Prosperous New Year!

As we race ahead into the New Year, I would like to share with you the inspiring story of Mr. Nicholas James Vujicic, an Australian evangelist and a motivational speaker.

Nick Vujicic was born in 1982 with a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. He has no arms and no legs, but only two small feet, one of which has only two toes. As a child he struggled hard mentally and emotionally as well as physically, but eventually overcame his disability through his absolute faith in himself and his love of God. Now, there is no such activity that he can not do. He skates on the roads and surfs in the sea, dances on the floor and dives in the pools, writes books and delivers speeches, does fishing, painting, swimming, and what not…He is living a joyful life. He presents motivational speeches worldwide inspiring people. He has already traveled to 44 nations on five continents and addressed over three million people. He inspires people by saying, "If I could do it, you too can. Have faith. Love God."

In his book UNSTOPPABLE, he says, "Being unstoppable is about believing and achieving. It’s about having faith in yourself, your talents and your purpose and, most of all, in God’s great love and His divine plan for your life." 

To your UNSTOPPABLE Success,
With love and regards,

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Unstoppable Updates (11) Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Sharing with you the learning from the Bible Scriptures about the SIX SECRETS for THE ULTIMATE LIFE, I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

1. The Treasure of Thankfulness (Scripture: Ephesians 5:19-20)
2. The Treasure of Generosity (Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11)
3. The Treasure of Contentment (Scripture: Philippians 4:10-13)
4. The Treasure of Relationships (Scripture: Philippians 1:1-11)
5. The Treasure of Purpose of Life (Scripture: Philippians 3:4-14)
6. The Treasure of Leaving a Legacy (Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10-4:8)

For learning more about these TREASURES, pls read the PDF document at

or watch the movie, "The Ultimate Life" at

With love and regards,

Friday, November 1, 2013

Unstoppable Updates (10) Happy Deepavali!

It is Diwali time again. Diyas are an indispensable part of Deepavali celebrations. But why do we light lamps during Diwali? 
Legend has it that the tradition of lighting diyas during Diwali began when Sri Ram returned to Ayodhya after completing his 14-year exile. People of Ayodhya wanted to give an extraordinary welcome to Sri Ram and it is said that they lit lamps everywhere in Ayodhya. Sri Ram was returning from Lanka in Pushpak Viman. As they neared Ayodhya, night had fallen. Sita suddenly cried out, "Rama, look – look below! All those shining lights! It is as if the stars have moved from the heavens above to the earth below." 

"Mata Sita," Hanuman explained, "your return is not a surprise to the citizens of Ayodhya. They have all lit oil lamps in their windows to celebrate your homecoming, and to honor their new king and queen. Ayodhya rejoices, and every man, woman, child, and elder welcomes you. The vaults full of ghee and butter are open, the fountains are sparkling. The flowers are in full bloom, and the musicians are ready, for tonight will be a special night for everyone alive."

There may be many other reasons why we lit the lamps on the day of Diwali. But, symbolically, the Diwali lamps signify the removal of spiritual darkness and self realization. Prayer, that forms the path towards removal of the spiritual darkness, is beyond any question the highest activity of the human soul. Man is at his greatest and highest when upon his knees he comes face to face with God. How joyful it is to kneel down in front of God and pray everyday, at least for a couple of minutes! Take time to pray; May the joy be yours! 

With love and regards,

Monday, October 14, 2013

Unstoppable Updates (9) Happy Vijaya Dasami!

Happy Dussehra! May this Vijaya Dasami bring you and your family a lot of success, peace, and prosperity!

On this occasion,  I would like to share with you a legend that is associated with the festival of Vijaya Dasami. 
According to Mahabharata, Vijaya Dasami also marks the end of “Agyatvas” or exile in disguise for the Pandavas. They were to spend twelve years in exile and the thirteenth year in disguise after the Yudhisthir lost his bet in the game of dice with his Kaurava cousin, Duryodhana. The legend states that on this day of Vijaya Dasami, the Pandavas completed their thirteenth year of exile in disguise and went to a jammi (also called shami/jambi) tree on which they had hidden their arms. They collected their weapons and declared their true identities. They regained their powers, became victorious in the battle with Kauravas, and reclaimed their kingdom. 
In today's modern world, most people live in their own self-imposed exile and go through their agyatvas during which they become powerless with all of their talents hidden within themselves without being expressed to the fullest. Vijaya Dasami thus reminds us to take time to think, come out of that exile by freeing ourselves from our self-limiting beliefs, recognize our true talents kept hidden for so long, and start making an effort to realize their potential so as to claim our rightful place, position, and prosperity. That will do a world of good to ourselves as well as to many others.    

To your SUCCESS,

With love and regards,

Monday, September 9, 2013

Unstoppable Updates (8) Happy Ganesh Chaturdhi!

Happy Ganesh Chaturdhi!

On this auspicious day of Ganesh Chaturdhi, I would like to share with you a simple story from the puranas on the birth of Lord Ganesha.
Lord Ganesha is the virtual son of Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati. The story of creation of ganesha is a very fascinating one. While Lord Shiva was away fighting for the gods, on one occasion when goddess Parvati wanted to take her bath, there were no attendants around to guard her and stop anyone from accidentally entering the house. Hence, she created an image of a boy and infused life into it using her powers, and thus Ganesha was born. She instructed Ganesha to keep strict vigil on the entrance to the house and not to allow anyone into the house. Ganesha agreed and stayed on the strictest of strict vigils.

In the meantime Lord Shiva returned happy after a glorious victory for the gods, only to be stopped at the entrance by Ganesha. He said to Shiva that it was his mother Parvati’s order not to allow anyone inside the home, and he was following his mother’s orders. Though initially Shiva was impressed with the boy’s bravery and appreciated his commitment to follow his mother’s orders, He lost his temper and severed Ganesha's head with his trident. When Parvati came out and saw her son's lifeless body, she was very angry. Ganesha was soon brought back to life. Also, Shiva granted Ganesha a boon that people would worship Lord Ganesha before beginning of any undertaking or task.
I read 2 clear messages from this story of Lord Ganesha. Firstly, if you follow your mother’s instructions, no harm would ever happen to you. Even if it happens, it is only an apparent and temporary one, and in the end you will be blessed with a boon. Hence being obedient to your parents is a boon you could give to yourself. Secondly, if you commit that you would do something, just do it. No matter what, when you remain committed to your words, even your opponents would appreciate you, and you become a role model.

With love and regards,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Unstoppable Updates (7) HAPPY JANMASHTAMI!

HAPPY JANMASHTAMI! Today, the 28 August 2013 is celebrated in India and many parts of the world as "Sri Krishna Janmashtami."

I would like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts on Krishnashtami, the day when Krishna appeared in this world. He was born on this day as the 8th son of Devaki and Vasudeva in Mathura. The time of his birth is said to be the midnight and the weather was very stormy and windy. His father Vasudeva took pains to leave the prison, walk in the rain, and cross the turbulent Yamuna river to reach Gokul so that he could leave Krishna there in the safety of the home of Nanda and Yashoda. Krishna was saved from the cruel Kansa who had already killed 6 of Vasudeva's children soon after their birth. He was thus born with a purpose - to save this world from the wicked and protect the good from the evil. He went on to kill Kansa and other demons that caused pain and hurt, and brought happiness to his devotees. His times and lilas in this world give us a glimpse of the beauty and bliss of the spiritual world. The more we read about Him the more we fall in love with Him.

Let us chant the "maha mantra" given below and feel the pure love of God (Krishna) on this day as much as we can and as many times as we can:
hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare
hare rāma hare rāma 
rāma rāma hare hare
Image source:

With love and regards,

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Trainer’s Notes for SUCCESS from Siva (TNSS 28): IMAGINATION: The What, Why, and How of it

No wonder why Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." It is the imaginative people and the innovative organizations that succeed more than the others. What is then imagination? How can one tap the power of imagination, a trait only possessed by the humans, and not by any other animals or any machines created by the man?

I have just read the book, 'IMAGINATION' by Dr. Harold Rugg, late Professor of Education at Columbia University, who spent years of research to answer one question that baffled him, "What is the nature of the act of imagination, and how a new idea is born?" He studied the autobiographies of several distinguished scientists, artists, authors, and personalities that  included many Nobel Prize winners. He studied several acts of human imagination that became miracles. During the process, he found that the modern man, though unleashed the power of imagination, did not actually know how he did it. So, he wanted to unearth this aspect of 'HOW' and presented his findings in his book. I would like to draw the essence of this crucially important aspect for the people at the present time from this book and share it with you through this week's TNSS.
What is a Creative Act?
How is a poem made - a house, a bridge, a motor designed - a scientific hypothesis drawn? The creative process involves 4 stages:

Stage 1: A preparatory conscious period of confused struggle involving a focused effort to understand the problem in depth
Stage 2: A period of giving up and pushing the problem back or down into another compartment of the mind, requiring a patient wait
Stage 3: A sudden and unexpected flash of insight, that is required to be felt in order to capture it
Stage 4: A period of verification, critical testing, and reconstruction, taking advantage of the imaginative flash and building it further to solve the problem

The imagination flash can not be brought forth by sheer force or will. One must immerse himself deeply in the problem excluding all else for a long period of time. It could be days, weeks, months, or even years. Whether it is Newton's sudden flash about gravitation or Darwin's theory of evolution, or any other creative acts, all of them were invariably and inevitably preceded by the stage of dedicated effort, some suspense, and a patient wait. The flash will eventually occur. And when? No one knows. It might occur anytime, anywhere, suddenly, and unexpectedly. Only, the prepared grasp it, capture it, relate it, record it, and release it.

How to nurture and trigger imagination?
The conditions that favor the act of creativity are: 1) the quiet mind of relaxed concentration, 2) prolonged conscious preparation, 3) pertinent and ordered storage in the non-conscious mind, 4) a perceptive and alert observer, 5) the disciplinary effect of the form of the medium, and finally 6) the compelling and passionate drive.

Ways of releasing imagination?
Prof. Rugg also studied the ways of releasing the imagination and presented them in his book in detail with excellent examples. Those interested to learn more about this could read his book.
We are all gifted with the power of imagination. However, we differ from each other in the way we tap this power, though we know our success in today's world very much depends on how 'innovative' we are in what we do. It is therefore important to appreciate the need to nurture the nature of creativity and create a culture both at home and office that encourages people to 'imagine' more and more. It would make a world of difference. JUST IMGINE.

To your greater SUCCESS,
With love and regards,

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Trainer’s Notes for SUCCESS from Siva (TNSS 27): GREEN REVOLUTION in India: Do you know how it all began about 100 years before it actually happened?

Who would dream that a boy playing in Iowa cornfields would save the lives of more than two billion people in Asia? This is the incredible story of Nobel laureate Norman Borlaug, a simple boy with a desire to feed the hungry – but Borlaug couldn’t have accomplished this without the help of Vice President Henry Wallace, who was influenced by inventor George Washington Carver, who in turn was rescued by farmer couple Moses and Susan Carver. Read further for more details on how it all happened...
George W. Carver was born around 1864 in the United States. When he was just a few weeks old baby, he and his mother Mary were kidnapped by hooded raiders. A farming couple named Moses and Susan Carver rescued the orphaned boy from the kidnappers. Susan Carver thereafter raised the young boy as her own son. She taught him the basics of reading and writing and encouraged him to continue with his pursuits. George Carver attended school and later went to Iowa State Agriculture College where he received a bachelor’s degree in agriculture in 1894 and a master’s degree in 1896. He joined the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama in the same year where he worked as a teacher and also as a researcher for the next 50 years. George Carver went on to become a great agricultural scientist creating new markets for farmers with the discovery of up to 300 different uses of peanuts, sweet potatoes, pecans, and soybeans. His list of discoveries surpasses even that of Benjamin Franklin.

And while this is impressive by any count, his most important contribution to the world could be the time he spent with Henry Wallace. Carver instilled in a young Henry Wallace a love for plants and what they can do for humanity. Prior to becoming Truman’s Vice President, Wallace was the Secretary of Agriculture. As Vice President, Wallace used his power to create a station in Mexico whose sole purpose was to hybridize corn and wheat for arid climates, naming the young Norman Borlaug as its head. Under those auspices Borlaug developed the seeds that helped improve the crop yields substantially in India, Pakistan, and virtually many countries in every continent, saving billions of lives. The seeds of the Mexican Dwarf Wheat Varieties were imported into India and made available to the farmers under the stewardship of M. S. Swaminathan. Borlaug’s wheat varieties were accepted by the farmers in the states of Punjab, Haryana and UP with great zeal and planted them in large acreages which led to famed Green Revolution in India during 1960’s and also the further enhancement of wheat yields in the next 5 decades all across India.
See, how the actions of simple farmers Susan and Moses Carver back in 1860’s had a monumental influence on the world in 1960’s and even today. Look at the link from Susan Carver to Norman Borlaug to Indian farmers over a period of about 150 years. But none of this was known when Susan Carver was frantically trying to find the kidnapped baby, or on the cold night when Moses Carver caught hold of the bag and rescued the baby.

The truth is that everything YOU do matters – what you did yesterday, what you do today, and what you will do tomorrow. Every choice you make, good or bad, can make a difference. New York Times bestselling author and speaker Andy Andrews chronicles this in his book, The Butterfly Effect, How Your Life Matters. “Everything you do matters,” he says. “Every move you make, every action you take … matters. Not just to you, or your family, or your business, or your hometown. Everything you do matters to all of us forever.” YOU matter. Your words, actions, and choices matter. Choose them wisely.

With love and regards,
Info sources: & &
From Susan Carver in the US to Green Revolution in India
book cover

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sampati – The Brother Who Sacrificed

Came across this morning a very interesting story and felt like sharing it with you immediately. So googled for a few more details of it, collated them, and captured their essence in the note below. A lot of us who have read and heard of the epic The Ramayana know about the bird Jatayu who fought with Ravana to save Sita, but not much about his brother Sampati. Pls read further to learn more about what Sampati did and how he is remembered even today...

Jatayu and his elder brother Sampati were children of the birds Anura and Shveni. In their childhood, the brothers had a contest – who could fly higher. Jatayu flew so high that the heat of the sun started to burn him. To protect his younger brother Jatayu, Sampati flew above him and in the process got his own wings burnt. Sampati fell atop the Vindhya Mountains and was found by the sage Nishakara Rishi, who then gave refuge to him in his ashram.

Nishakara Rishi, with the ability to foretell, told Sampati about the incarnation of Sri Ram in the future. He then told the huge bird that Vanara Sena (Monkey Army) would reach the place and when he would give them the whereabouts of Mata Sita, he would get back his wings. Sampati then waited for the arrival of the Vanara Sena. Thousands of years later the army arrived and Sampati helped them. He then got his wings back.

Helping others, be it your kith and kin, friends and relatives, colleagues and co-workers, or anyone for that matter, is a great trait of your character. As it could be seen from the case of Sampati, it might sometimes require some sacrifice too. As such the ability to help in itself is a great reward if one could enjoy it and the joy associated with it is an additional boon that one might look for. The sacrifices will get paid off, and that may not necessarily happen immediately. It might take longer, and it need not necessarily come from the same quarter who received it. It might come in any form at anytime from anywhere.

But the best part would always be helping others without expecting anything in return. Because, you are going to get it any way sooner or later as it is nothing but natural. So, just keep helping, and be in the business of helping others. People who help their colleagues and organizations succeed. And organizations that help their customers and their stakeholders succeed. The key word therefore is “to help” both in thought and action.

With love and regards,
Sampati_The Brother who sacrificed

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Trainer's Notes for SUCCESS from Siva (TNSS 26): Selling Starts When the Customer Says 'NO'

We have seen in the earlier TNSS(25) on ‘WHO DARES SELLS’ that everyone sells, and that selling is an inevitable part of our daily life. But when do we really sell? When does actually the selling start? Herewith sharing you through this week’s TNSS (26) the notes made from the best-selling book, “THE SELLING STARTS WHEN THE CUSTOMER SAYS NO” written by Richard S. Seelye and O. William Moody.

In sales, some people are always more successful than others. There are reasons why this is so and good selling has unique characteristics that must be mastered and applied consistently to achieve the status of a top performer. However good the product or service is, salesmen encounter objections and tough selling situations, and that is when they have to quell the doubts and clarify the benefits of buying to the customers. The authors Rich and Bill discuss in detail in this book on the factors and processes that help people sell and get what they want, especially in tough and negative situations. They are listed below briefly in today’s TNSS.
1. Mental Toughness, especially when distractions and anxieties cause loss of focus. Whenever a problem is recognized or a negative situation is surfaced, it should be dealt with immediately – not later. Being resilient and self-energizing with a “can-do, will-do” attitude helps in dealing with the distractions and moving toward productive activities.

2. Ability to Respond, when prospect won’t listen and get defensive. Understanding prospect’s personality types (Dominant, Detached, and Relational types) and dealing with them according to their moody and personality helps.

3. Being a Power Communicator helps in dealing with customers who have a negative mind-set. This might require strong arguments and power communications to change. Right touch, confident handshakes, proper expressions, pleasant smiles, appropriate words, and attentive listening are all part of a power communication.

4. Right Sales Plan and Professional Sales Technique help in dealing with people that resist. Targeting people in high positions and the decision makers and Selling to them successfully means gaining new business. But, it requires not only a good sales plan but also sales people that are trained in Professional Sales Approach.

5. Becoming Special to the fickle buyers and ungrateful users

6. Presentation Skills – one-to-one as well as to the groups.

7. Skills of Negotiation, Accommodation, and Compromise help sales people in bringing about a match between what they have to offer and the needs of their buyers.
So, the next time you hear a ‘NO’ when you are selling something to someone, remember that ‘NO’ as a natural part of the sales process, and that your time to sell actually starts with it. Those who have the ability to hear more number of times ‘NO’ and still persist to sell become more successful in getting what they want than those who stop selling when they hear a ‘NO’. In the modern world of busy times and self-centered schedules, the No’s you hear are actually the opportunities in disguise for you to sell and get more of what you want.

With love and regards,

Cover Page

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Trainer’s Notes for SUCCESS from Siva (TNSS 25): Who Dares Sells, and Who Sells Succeeds

What do you think? Is selling good or bad? Are salesmen good or bad? Do you know that you too sell? Is there someone in this world who doesn’t sell? How important it is for one to sell to become successful in profession or even in LIFE? To find the answers, you must read the book, “WHO DARES SELLS - The Ultimate Guide To Selling Anything To Anyone” written by Patrick Ellis.

So good and powerful some of the messages in this book are that I thought I should reproduce them as such in today’s TNSS for your perusal. Given below are just a few of them……

Everybody, everywhere, everyday is selling or buying products, services or ideas. Individuals, groups, companies and governments partake in this fundamental and most important function that can offer achievement, power, fame, fortune and success to those who excel in it. Non-achievement, powerlessness, mediocrity, poverty, despair and despondency lie at the other extreme for those who fail at it,

The infant crying for its mother’s attention is selling. A school child trying to avoid being reprimanded by the teacher for not doing his homework is selling. A candidate for employment or a job promotion is selling. A boy wooing a girl or a girl wooing a boy is selling. A politician canvassing for votes in a constituency or a government offering its policy to the country is selling. A musical entertainer or an orchestra is selling. The pastor in the pulpit is selling. A high-powered team attempting to negotiate a major contract for plant, machinery, or aircraft is selling. And so the list goes on. The end result will either be that the sender’s (seller’s) message is received and acted upon by the receiver (buyer) or it will fall on deaf ears, depending on how effectively the message is sent through the spoken word, written word or through non-verbal means. The result is Success or Failure, Win or Lose.

Look after yourself – you are the most important person that exists on this planet. This is your world. You’ve got to know where you are going and how to get there in the shortest possible time. But remember – the most important by-product of success while you are climbing or when you have made it to the top of the ladder, is your ability to help others come up. You can only do that from a position of strength – not weakness. Those who do that are the truly good people of this world.

Going by Patrick’s wisdom, everyone in this world, including you and me, sells. Selling is inevitable for all, be that a Professor or a Student, a CEO or a Supervisor, a Scientist or a Secretary, a Government Official or a Voluntary Worker, Husband or a Wife, Father or a Son or a Daughter, and for that matter everybody and anybody. Those who are good at it live a better life. There is no need to feel shy to sell, for selling is indeed helping someone in need with a product or a service or an idea. And, why to fear to identify the right customers and extend them that helping hand? Getting rid of the ‘fear’ to sell will get you THE BEST in your life as well as that of others you care for. WHO DARES SELLS, and who sells succeeds, in LIFE too....

With love and regards,
The Man Who DaresWDSWho Dares Sells_Song Lyrics

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Trainer’s Notes for SUCCESS from Siva (TNSS 24): EGOLESSNESS, the key to abundant JOY of LIFE

It has been a hectic time of 2 months with quite a bit of travel and training that I truly missed writing and sharing the TNSS with you. I am glad to be back, and I started feeling the joy of writing and sharing again. Knowing my quest for learning more about Lord Jagannath and the Puri Rath Yatra festival, a dear friend of mine, Mr. Haresh Pradhan, gifted me with the book ‘Shri Purushottama Rahasya’ written by Baba Chaitanya Charan Das. I have been reading it and finding immense joy in learning so many secrets. I would like to share with you one of them today.
In the era of truth (satya yuga), in the solar dynasty, there was a king whose name was Indradyumna. He was a ruler of the kingdom of Malava with the city of Avanti as its capital. He was truthful, well mannered, and lover of justice. He was a humble devotee of Lord Vishnu with a strong desire to see him. Having come to know that the Blue Mountain in Purushottama Kshetra (the present city of Puri in Orissa) in Utkala Kingdom as the most holy place where he could see the Lord with his own eyes, he went there only to find that the Lord had disappeared from the place and that it was all covered with golden sand. The king then decided to stay there thinking of the Lord and praying for his Darshan. One night, the king had a dream in which he saw the lord Vishnu and was extremely delighted. and his message, based on which he built a temple of about 1500 feet in height and installed the deity of Lord Vishnu in the form of Lord Jagannath, and also those of his brother Balabhadra, Sister Subhadra and Sudarshana made of wood from the celestial ‘daru’ tree.

The legend states that Lord Jagannath, pleased with the love and devotion of King Indradyumna, granted him special blessings and offered a boon that he could grant. The king asked, “O lord, let there be no descendent in my family so that no one out of ego will claim that ‘this temple belongs to us.’” He sought a place at the feet of the God. And the Lord said, “”This truth I tell you with affirmation, again and again: never will I leave this place, even if the temple is destroyed. even if in the future someone else builds a temple here, your reputation will remain untarnished.”

The deities of Lord Jagannath and others were brought out of the temple once a year and taken in a procession called ‘Rath Yatra (Chariot Festival)’ during which the king himself swept with a broom the chariot around the place where the Lord is seated. The same practice continues to happen every year even now.
The above acts of the King asking for a boon that his family be issueless and performing the ritual of sweeping the chariot with a broom are clear examples of selflessness and egolessness to learn from. There is no distinction between upper and lower castes or classes on the campus of Shri Mandir (the Jagannath Temple) in Puri. Those without ego reach higher levels of achievement and obtain abundant joy in what they do.

With love and regards,

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Trainer's Notes for SUCCESS from Siva (23): Power of ‘Bhakti-The Worship’ that outweighs power of every other thing

I was watching on TV last Sunday an old Telugu movie ‘SriKrishna Tulabharam’. The movie is a classic masterpiece with a great message to learn from. When Satyabhama fails to regain Lord Krishna, whom she earlier donated to the sage Narada as a part of a vrata, even when all the treasure of gold she has could not outweigh HIM on the scale (tula), the sage emphasizes the power of Bhakti by saying the following lines:

Is there any wealth in this world that could fetch the God than the richness of Bhakti (bhakti-dhanam)?
Is there any power in this world that could tie the God than the strength of Bhakti (bhakti-balam)?
Is there any food in this world that could satiate the hunger of the God than the fruit of Bhakti (bhakti-phalam)?
is there any education in this world that gain the appreciation of the God than the study of Bhakti (bhakti-vidya)?
Is there any way that could take one to the abode of God than the path of Bhakti (bhakti-padham)?
Hence, only those with Bhakti can understand HIM, and not others.

Rukmini, the Principal wife and the queen of Lord Krishna,  comes and with a prayer to the Lord Krishna with all the humbleness and devotion to the Lord puts a single leaf of the sacred Tulasi plant which outweighs the Lord on the scale.
What a beautiful message to learn from the whole episode! Any act, however small it is, when performed with devotion and bhakti gains so much of power that it could make even the seemingly impossible possible. Mahatma Gandhi is quoted, “Work is worship.” When a person treats his work as his worship to God, how nice would it be! Just as worship, work becomes not painful but blissful, not tiring but energizing, and not weakening but empowering. It becomes a source of joy, inspiration, and ultimate bliss. When you see your work as worship, it becomes a prayer that is performed with devotion and dedication, and that Bhakti-the worship gives you all the power you require to accomplish even the most difficult tasks.

People with bhakti are destined to succeed. Everyone has it inside. it only needs to be unleashed, experienced, and enjoyed.

With love and prayers,

Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy Sankranti!

May this Sankranti bless all ‘Farmers of the Worldwith a bountiful harvest and prosperity to one and all! Happy Sankranti!

Happy Sankranti_Siva_Sivaprasad_2013

With love and regards,


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Unstoppable Updates (6) HAPPY NEW YEAR!

On this glorious 1st day of the New Year 2013, I wish you SUCCESS in EVERYTHING you DESIRE to achieve in the year ahead and beyond.
“There is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It’s your mission on earth… And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” ~ Paulo Coelho from The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream
Happy New Year_Siva_Sivaprasad_2013
Image source:
With love and regards,