Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sales Secrets (21): Dig deeper to find the diamonds

Disagreements are common during a sale. They are a natural part of a sale's process. They are so common that if there are no objections during a sales conversation, you may have to suspect if there is something wrong with the process itself or the product you are selling and whether the customer is seriously interested in talking to you or not.

The objections may put a break on the flow of your presentation to your customer. They may appear to be obstacles for the sales process or hindrances to your sales success. But actually, they are not. The disagreements that your customers suggest provide you with an opportunity to learn more about your own product, correct the way you are selling, and also gain a greater clarity on what the customer's needs are. They give you an opportunity to ask more questions and dig deeper on his needs, his desires, his aspirations, his actual requirements, and also his points of view. That info will give you information which could help you prepare the ground to sow the right seeds of clarifications for a great harvest of sales success for you and also the organisation you serve.

Objections and disagreements?? Not to worry. Just dig deeper with right tools of questions, let the customer open up with his answers, and sow the right seeds of clarifications in his mind. You will soon harvest diamonds of sales success.
To your sales success,
With love,

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