Saturday, December 25, 2010

Saturday Story from Siva (25): The Story of a Violin and the Value of Fine Tuning It

Good morning! Merry Christmas! Glad to bring to you another story this Saturday. Here it goes....
The Story of a Violin and the Value of Fine-tuning it
An Excerpt from the Book, “You, Inc” by Burke Hedges
Many years ago, an auctioneer was selling off the estate of a wealthy industrialist. As the auction came to close, he held up a dusty, disclored old violin and asked mockingly, “What am I bid for this?...$100? takers?....Do I hear...$50?......$23?… $5?..”How about a dollar?” As the audience laughter echoed around, an old man among them said, “Excuse me. May I have a moment of your time?” He took the violin into his hand, plucked each string and expertly adjusted the tuning pegs....and placing the violin under his chin, he began to play. Lovely clear notes filled the room, and the audience sat frozen with awe listening to that heavenly solo. As he ended the solo, handed over the violin to the auctioneer and walked away slowly, the audience burst into spontaneous applause.
The smiling auctioneer held up the old violin and said again, “What am I bid for this MOST EXTRAORDINARY instrument? A $1000 to the man in top hat....I hear $2000 from the woman in the front...$3000...$4000....Do I hear $5000...Five it is...Five going once...Five going twice...SOLD.”
Once fine-tuned, the value of the violin went up dramatically and people started appreciating it. All that it requires is perhaps a small fine-tuning of what we do and who we are to maximize the value of our work and our lives.

MERRY CRISTMAS! The Best for you always!
With love and regards,
B. Sivaprasad
Corporate Trainer and Motivational Speaker
Hyderabad 500072, India

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday Story from Siva (24): The great migration of Bar-tailed Godwits and their secret of success

Birds migrate for various reasons. It could be for food, shelter, safety, and breeding opportunities. This week, I would like to share with you the story of Bar-tailed Godwits and their secret of success for the enormous migratory journey they undertake from New Zealand to arctic region and back. What helps these birds capable of making such long flights non-stop? Pls read further..
Story of Bar-tailed Godwits and their secret for success
Source: Internet info
In 2007, researchers tagged a Bar-tailed Godwit in New Zealand and tracked by satellite its journey to the Yellow Sea in China. The bird flew a distance of 11,026 kilometres non-stop to reach the Yellow Sea. This was the longest known non-stop flight of any bird. The flight took approximately nine days. At least three other Bar-tailed Godwits also appear to have reached the Yellow Sea after non-stop flights from New Zealand." One specific female of the flock, nicknamed "E7", flew onward from China to Alaska and stayed there for the breeding season. Then on 29 August 2007 she departed on a non-stop flight from the Alaska to the Piako River in New Zealand, setting a new known flight record of 11,680 kilometres.
Researchers found that prior to their migration, the godwits eat up large, until up to 55 per cent of their body weight is fat. They then reduce the size of their gut, kidney and liver by up to 25 per cent to compensate for the added weight. They reshuffle proteins in their bodies before they set out and that this allows them to reduce the size of their food-processing organs. The Godwits thus fuel themselves enough for such long flights. They also assess the weather patterns and time their departures to coincide with favourable winds.
The Bar-tailed Godwit gains the ability to adapt to its circumstances by preparing itself for its future needs. With right preparation any task, however monumental it is, is achievable. As we undertake our life journey, it may be worthwhile to give a thought to learn who we are now and the kind of person we wish to become, and then chart out the right course for it before making the preparation necessary to undertake the same. Preparation is the key to success.
Wishing you the Best always!
With love and regards,
B. Sivaprasad
Corporate Trainer and Motivational Speaker
Hyderabad 500072, India
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday Story from Siva (23): The Story of a Little Girl and the Value of Her Kindness

This week again, I am very glad to bring to you a story that is said to have had truly happened. Here is the story of a little girl and the value of her kindness...
The Story of a Little Girl and the Value of Her Kindness
Author: Unknown
Howard Atwood Kelly (1858–1943) was a famous American gynaecologist who founded the Johns Hopkins Division of Gynaecologic Oncology at Johns Hopkins University in 1895.  Dr. Kelly was once on a walking trip through Northern Pennsylvania. He was tired on his way, and stopped by a farm house for a drink of water.  A little girl answered his knock at the door and instead of water, brought him a glass of fresh milk.
Years later, the same girl was admitted to his hospital with a rare disease. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day, he gave special attention to the case. After a long struggle, the girl was saved. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, and then wrote something on it, and the bill was sent to her room. When she looked at it, she read these words: "PAID IN FULL WITH ONE GLASS OF MILK. (Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly."
Kindness is a virtue that every human is endowed with. It only needs to be expressed. It could be in any form, acts or words. That could give solace to the one in need. Perhaps, helps someone to stand up and move forward in life. Let it be expressed everyday at every given opportunity, at work as well as at home.

The Best for you always,
With love and regards,
B. Sivaprasad
Corporate Trainer and Motivational Speaker

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Saturday Stories from Siva (22): The Story of a Woman and Her Secret

With the year-end fast approaching, it’s time to learn some secrets so that those unfinished targets and unaccomplished goals could be fast achieved. Pls take a look at this week’s Saturday story, “The Story of a Woman and Her Secret.”
The Story of a Woman and Her Secret
An excerpt from the book, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne
She hails from Australia. A few years ago, her life had collapsed around her. Her father died suddenly, and her relationships with her work colleagues and loved ones were in turmoil. Around that time, her daughter gave her a gift that contained the Secret to life, which changed her life. A burning desire to share The Secret consumed her, and the vision of taking The Secret to the world in the form of a film had become fixed in her mind.
She found out that most of the present day teachers who knew that secret lived in the United States. She wanted to film them. She did not secure a confirmation from any one of them. However, she knew the Secret, and so with utter FAITH, she flew from Australia to the United States. Seven weeks later, The Secret team had filmed fifty-five of the greatest teachers, with over 120 hours of the film. They literally magnetized everything and everyone to them. Eight months later, the film was released and received a world-wide acclaim. People who watched the film changed their lives. And she thought, through a book, she could rather reach out and take The Secret and thereby the joy of learning the secret to billions around the world. She is Rhonda Byrne, the producer of the movie and the author of the book, The Secret.
I have read the book several times, and I have encouraged my family and friends to read it. I am sure some of you who have already read it know the value of reading it. If you haven’t read it yet, you may like to take the earliest opportunity to get a copy of it and read it. More info on secret could be found online at The Secret’s website:

The Best for you always!
With love and regards,
B. Sivaprasad
Corporate Trainer and Motivational Speaker