Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Sales Secret (31): When you don't know, say so.

The other day I went to Big Bazaar to buy a water purifier. I talked to them on phone before going there and inquired about the price. I asked them if they could offer any discount as I am one of their "Profit Club" members. The salesman said that he would inquire about it with his supervisor and asked me to come to the shop. On reaching there, he told me there is no discount on the product to the profit club members. That was a bit of a disappointment for me. But I was still prepared for it and wanted to buy the product from the Big Bazaar itself as it is next door to my home and it is more convenient for me to buy from them than to go to the Metro which is about 1 Km away from my place.

But, to my inquiry for the price of a another model of a water purifier, the salesman suggested a wrong price for it. He also showed lack of information on the model I was asking for and continued bluffing as if he had complete knowledge of it. I would have appreciated if he had said that he had no information on it. But he was adamant. That made me change my decision to buy from them. I left them, went to Metro, and bought the product from them. I preferred taking inconvenience to buying from a bluffing salesman. Who wouldn't?
To your sales success,
With love,
PS: Sales Secrets published earlier can be found at the link given below:

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