Friday, May 15, 2015

Unstoppable Updates from Siva (23): LOTUS lives and blossoms irrespective of its surroundings

Have you observed a lotus flower any time? I know you might have seen it. I did see a lot of them in my childhood. There were plenty of them in the pond in the village where I was born and brought up. I was fond of them very much. I used to pick them up from the pond, especially on the day of Ganesh Chaturdhi to use it for pooja purpose, and once I was almost drowned attempting to pick the one deeper and farther from the bund. But I was always enamoured of beauty, structure, and colours of this divine flower.

But today, when I stumbled upon this image of LOTUS, I observed it for the first time. I took a deeper look at it, went into my own imagination, and started understanding more from it. And, I became awestruck as it revealed one message of inspiration after another. Let me share with you one of them today. 
Look at it. Where is it born? Its seed is thrown into murky waters and a muddy soil. But, it does not remain there. It sprouts and takes its root there, and grows up through the water, spreads its leaves on the surface of the water. Its flower comes out of the water as a pointed bud and unfolds itself sepal by sepal, petal by petal, and reveals its beauty to the world, and makes the very murky surroundings more beautiful than ever. What an elegance this flower has! What an attitude it displays! It tells the world, "I know my circumstances are not clean, pure, and pleasant. I can not do away with them. As I have to live with them, I don't see them anymore as a disadvantage. I rather take advantage of them and make them support me, my life, and my growth." And, it does.

Who in this world is surrounded by only all that is conducive, comfortable, and cooperative always? Is there anyone who is not encountered with negative circumstances? Everyone does. Everyone goes through. Each person has a separate set of circumstances. There is no need to feel let down and blame the surroundings. The challenge is to face the situation and deal with it. Just as the lotus rises above all the odds and make itself and its own surroundings more beautiful, we too can rise above the negativity that surrounds us and successfully unleash our hidden talents to make the world a better place to live.

To your success,
With love,

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