Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thought of the Day (134): Judge none by practicing nonjudgment; You will explore yourself much more.

"The stage is a place where I can be wholly myself. Even though you're in front of people almost to be judged, it is a place without judgement."
Florence Welch

"Practicing nonjudgment is another way to experience the Law of Pure Potentiality."
Deepak Chopra

Do not judge others. Also, do not worry about others' judgement of you. Explore yourself. There is a lot to learn about yourself and you need to spend time for that. There is no time for you to waste in judging others right or wrong, good or bad, or true or false. Take time to explore yourself and unleash yourself for the good of you and your world. 

You are born to succeed and destined to be great. 

 To your continued SUCCESS,
With love,
PS: For success thoughts published earlier on this blog, please find them at the link given below:

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