Thursday, November 3, 2016

Sales Secret (54): Believe in Law of Averages

The sales experts suggest that you belive in the "Law of Averages." It means that there exists in nature a particular rhythm in the actions we carry out and the results we achive because of them.  As a salesman, if you are able to convince 10 out of 100 people you meet to sell your product or service, your average success ratio is 1:10. Accordingly, going by the law of averages, if your target sale is 50, all that you have to do is plan and call on 500 customers. And your target of 50 is achieved.

A sales person who believes in law of averages is not bothered by the rejections he faces. He knows that he is going to get the one who would buy from him. And, he keeps on trying wihtout giving up. With time, he improves his average success ratio from 1:10 to 2:10 to 3:10 and further with time as becomes more professional in his approach to sell.

Take advantage this 'law of avearages.' Your success in sales is guaranteed.
To your sales success,
With love,
PS: Sales Secrets published earlier can be found at the link given below:

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