Monday, February 22, 2016

Sales Secret (52): Genuine interest in people catapults your sales; Take it.

As a sales person, where is your interest? In selling your ideas, or products and services to the other person and making more money for yourself? Or in understanding the needs and wants of the other person and helping him? Are you too selfish thinking about only yourself, your products and services, and your success in sales? Or would you love being a good person who is genuinely interested in understand what the person needs and helping him get that? 

Be concerned for other people. Value their time and money. Respect their dreams. Understand their needs and wants. And be genuinely interested in people. And also express it. Show your concern and your genuine interest in them. They would see you as the right person they could trust and rely up on. Your sales will naturally happen sooner than later.  

To your sales success,
With love,
PS: Sales Secrets published earlier can be found at the link given below:

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