Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sales Secret (44): Can you get away without selling? You just can't. So...

Let me ask you once again. Do you love selling or hate it? Do you like to see yourself as a salesman or not? Do you sell with your body, mind, and soul or dread doing it? What is your opinion about selling after reading the previous 43 posts on selling on this blog? Have you read the very first posts written on this blog about selling that defined what selling is, and who does it and who doesn't do it? If not click on the link at the bottom of this message and take a look at the first sales secrets (1-10) published on this blog.

Once you understand what selling is, I am sure you will appreciate how important it is for you to sell whoever you are and whatever you do. And how you sell is a different thing which we can keep talking about. The methods vary. Some sell by selling. Some sell by not selling too. But remember everyone is selling. You have to sell too. You can't get away in your life without selling. You just can't. So, you better sell, survive, and succeed.      
To your sales success,
With love,
PS: Sales Secrets published earlier can be found at the link given below:

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