Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Thought of the Day (118): Let the GOLDEN HOUR set the tone for the rest of your day.

"Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.""
Og Mandino

Begin the day on a high. Let positivity flow through your mind. Let your foot feel the touch of the floor as you get up from your bed and begin your day. Thank god for another day in your life and commit to yourself to give your best in everything that you do in the day ahead. Convert your first hour of your day into your GOLDEN HOUR... with a mind filled with gratitude, heart filled with love, and words of self affirmations and thoughts of positive outcomes. Believe me; it will reap you diamonds during the day.

To your continued SUCCESS,
With love,
PS: For success thoughts published earlier on this blog, please find them at the link given below:

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