Monday, December 7, 2015

Sales Secret (45): INTEGRITY in thought and deed is the foundation for sales success

Can sales happen without salesman having integrity? My response to it is a big NO. Integrity is fundamental and paramount to sales success. Without it, one may be able to sell once or twice and certainly not for long. And, no salesman can ever become successful with a one-time sale. It has to be a repeat sale that happens again and again which is possible only when sales people possess integrity. Then what is integrity and how does it help a salesman sell more and keep customers?

With integrity, you mean and do the same thing. Your thoughts and deeds are in alignment. Your words are truthful. Your actions are genuine. You know you are doing the right thing, and only the right thing. That naturally brings confidence in you and eliminates guilt, if any. You become fearless and transparent. In other words, integrity empowers you and presents you in the best manner before your customers. It indeed benefits you as well as your customers.

A salesman without integrity tends to bluff and overstate the benefits of his products just to make people buy them. Does that help him in the long run? NO, it doesn't. Successful sales happen when the same products are sold to the same people repeatedly. And that can happen only with the sales people who possess and practice integrity.
To your sales success,
With love,
PS: Sales Secrets published earlier can be found at the link given below:

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