Monday, October 30, 2017

Sales Secret (58): Salesman vs Postman

As a salesman, enjoy being a salesman, not a postman. It is the No's that you hear from your customer that should excite you to go out there and convert those No's into YES's. Rejections should not be deterring you to move forward in your sales profession. They should rather help you understand the importance of your role as a salesman.    

If it is just receiving the orders from the customers and sending them to the dispatch section for processing those orders, it is more like the job of a postman. Isn't it? Receiving and sending messages from one person to the other is the job of a messenger. The excitement and enthrallment of a sales job truly lies in taking the refusals and rejections as challenges and converting them into sustainable sales relationships.

Converting the negative responses into positive purchases is selling in real terms. Selling starts when the customer says NO to your sales proposal. It does not end there. It actually begins then, because the role of a salesman is to work with the customer and convince him to convert his 'No' into an 'Yes.'  

Hence, be excited about being a real salesman without falling to the trap of getting used to easy sales that come without any efforts of yours as a salesman, especially if you are at the beginning your sales career.  

To your sales success,
With love,
PS: Sales Secrets published earlier can be found at the link given below:

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