Thursday, October 26, 2017

Sales Secret (55): Pitch it 'differently'

I was facilitating a training workshop on "Communication Skills for Sales Effectiveness" the other day for the sales staff of an agri-input company. The salesmen who attended this workshop shared one important secret of their sales success. The same is presented herewith for your benefit.

They sell the same product (seeds), which many other salesmen of many other companies do sell. But these salesmen enjoy greater success in the market than the others. How? It is the same product, but the way they present it to the customer is different. They constantly challenge themselves and try to be different in the way they offer their benefits to their customers. They always think about becoming different from their competitors by asking themselves the question, "How do I do things differently?" They pitch their product in a different way. And, they are more successful.

Hence, explore and find ways of pitching your products or services 'differently' for your greater success.  

To your sales success,
With love,
PS: Sales Secrets published earlier can be found at the link given below:

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