Saturday, January 7, 2017

L & D Series - Post 6: KNOWLEDGE, The 3rd of the 3 Areas for Improvement

Let us look at the KNOWLEDGE, the 3rd aspect of the "Areas For Improvement" in this post.

What kind of knowledge and how much should you possess to be successful at what you do? First of all, the knowledge of the domain you are operating in. Then, the specific knowledge that enables you do your work with quality and meet the expectations of the organisation you are working for. It could be specific technical knowledge or the knowledge of the needs of the market or the knowledge of customers, knowledge of the products and services you are offering. 

While you may begin your career with the minimum basic knowledge, it should be your endeavour to improve it on a daily basis. You should be asking yourself at the end of everyday this question, "Have I improved my knowledge today? What have I learned today?" The information is now available at your fingertips. All that you need to have is the intent to learn and improve your knowledge.

To your continued success,
With love,

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