Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday Story from Siva (28): The Story of a Girl and the Power of Her Approach

Happy Sankranti! This week, I would like to share with you the true story of a girl from California which is quite inspiring. Here it goes....
Story of a Girl and the Power of Her Approach to the Purpose in LIFE
An excerpt from the book, “You Can Change The World“ By James Keller
An old Chinese Proverb says, “Better to light one candle, than to curse the darkness.” For a girl in a small Californian town doing that meant a difference between life of a sickness and an inspiration to everyone around her. Weakened by a series of epileptic fits, her condition was aggravated to the point that hospitalization was the only course left open to her. Lying in bed, hour after hour, gave her plenty of time to think about the future.
One day, she thought if she tried to help others first, then her own troubles might seem less important and less hopeless. Accordingly, she decided to write in the local newspaper a column that will make people concentrate on the good around them instead of always doing the opposite, just the way she had also been doing. Within 3-4 weeks after the column first appeared, letters began pouring in thanking her, giving her a mental pat on the back for what she was trying to do.
And from that day, the girl had rarely suffered from another attack of epilepsy. Doctors pointed out that the “getting out of herself,” and out of her own narrow world, had given her a purpose in life, had done away with her earlier mental and emotional frustration, which in their opinion, was responsible for her epileptic disorder. They added that they also knew of many cases where the cure was within the person himself as much as in the medical treatment.
Wav! That’s amazing! We know every problem has a cure. But most often, we tend to search for the solution somewhere, while we ourselves hold it very much within us. The girl in the story chose to change her point of focus from the problems she was going through to spreading cheer and good to the people. In the process, her own problems disappeared.
Wishing you and your family The Best in the NEW YEAR!
With love and regards,


Sarath Babu Balijepalli said...

Wonderfu story Siva. Happy Sankranthi to you also.

pergu said...

hi,Thank you for sharing this story.Wish you a very happy sankranti.