Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Trainer's Notes for SUCCESS from Siva (23): Power of ‘Bhakti-The Worship’ that outweighs power of every other thing

I was watching on TV last Sunday an old Telugu movie ‘SriKrishna Tulabharam’. The movie is a classic masterpiece with a great message to learn from. When Satyabhama fails to regain Lord Krishna, whom she earlier donated to the sage Narada as a part of a vrata, even when all the treasure of gold she has could not outweigh HIM on the scale (tula), the sage emphasizes the power of Bhakti by saying the following lines:

Is there any wealth in this world that could fetch the God than the richness of Bhakti (bhakti-dhanam)?
Is there any power in this world that could tie the God than the strength of Bhakti (bhakti-balam)?
Is there any food in this world that could satiate the hunger of the God than the fruit of Bhakti (bhakti-phalam)?
is there any education in this world that gain the appreciation of the God than the study of Bhakti (bhakti-vidya)?
Is there any way that could take one to the abode of God than the path of Bhakti (bhakti-padham)?
Hence, only those with Bhakti can understand HIM, and not others.

Rukmini, the Principal wife and the queen of Lord Krishna,  comes and with a prayer to the Lord Krishna with all the humbleness and devotion to the Lord puts a single leaf of the sacred Tulasi plant which outweighs the Lord on the scale.
What a beautiful message to learn from the whole episode! Any act, however small it is, when performed with devotion and bhakti gains so much of power that it could make even the seemingly impossible possible. Mahatma Gandhi is quoted, “Work is worship.” When a person treats his work as his worship to God, how nice would it be! Just as worship, work becomes not painful but blissful, not tiring but energizing, and not weakening but empowering. It becomes a source of joy, inspiration, and ultimate bliss. When you see your work as worship, it becomes a prayer that is performed with devotion and dedication, and that Bhakti-the worship gives you all the power you require to accomplish even the most difficult tasks.

People with bhakti are destined to succeed. Everyone has it inside. it only needs to be unleashed, experienced, and enjoyed.

With love and prayers,

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