Thursday, June 2, 2011

‘Law of Attraction’ in force: A personal experience in life

law_of_attraction_blog picYesterday morning, I was on my way to a nearby place to check and confirm the examination centre across the road where my son would be writing his examination. I was to cross a busy road, and the thoughts that were going through my mind were a bit negative at that time, and I was, of course, conscious of them. I am carrying my son’s examination admit card in my hand. What would happen if some vehicle hits me while I cross the road, and in the process, if the admit card is lost, my son would not be able to write his exam. Should I have left the card at my home with my son, and simply noted the particulars required by for making the check? Let me be careful as I cross the road. Oh Gosh! Why am I allowing these negative thoughts? I should not be attracting the unwanted events this way.”
With these thoughts lingering in my mind, I crossed the road safely, checked for the centre, and confirmed it. Soon after, I started returning home from there. I was crossing the same road back again. With no vehicles close by, I was rushing forward, and all of a sudden a motorist coming from the ‘wrong side of the road’ hit me from my left side. I fell down with a shock, and the motorist too fell down. He was feeling sorry for his mistake. I bruised my right arm slightly with a scratch and a few drops of blood that came out. As I fell, I hit the ground with both of my knees. I did not realize that they were hurt at that time as I was able to stand up and move them freely. But they too bore the brunt, but not with any sprains or fractures. Lucky enough to escape with minor injuries!
As I reached home and shared the news of the accident with my family, my son shared with us the thoughts that went through his mind as I walked out of the house. Since morning dad was hurting himself here and there hitting something or the other in the home, I wish he would come home safe without meeting any accidents on the road.” I told my wife, “Look, both he and I were thinking of an accident. Though we wished that it would not and should not happen, our thoughts were around an accident. The ‘Law of Attraction’ works.”
Remembered the magic of “Law of Attraction” read from Rhonda Byrne’s book, The Secret. Our thoughts have a magnetic force, and they attract what we focus on.
The law of attraction doesn’t compute “don’t” or “not” or “no” or any other words of negation. The law of attraction is giving you what you are thinking about-period      - Rhonda Byrne
Yesterday’s event in my life is a proof again that we ought to be consciously thinking positive thoughts in order to attract positive results in our life. BY all means, we should avoid negative thoughts even if they mean positive. For example, my thoughts of yesterday could have been, “I would return home safe by all means, and the roads are safe, and I shall take best care of myself to return home safe.” With them instead of those I had, I am sure I would have returned home safe yesterday.
Wishing safety and SUCCESS for everyone,
With love and regards,

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