Saturday, December 25, 2010

Saturday Story from Siva (25): The Story of a Violin and the Value of Fine Tuning It

Good morning! Merry Christmas! Glad to bring to you another story this Saturday. Here it goes....
The Story of a Violin and the Value of Fine-tuning it
An Excerpt from the Book, “You, Inc” by Burke Hedges
Many years ago, an auctioneer was selling off the estate of a wealthy industrialist. As the auction came to close, he held up a dusty, disclored old violin and asked mockingly, “What am I bid for this?...$100? takers?....Do I hear...$50?......$23?… $5?..”How about a dollar?” As the audience laughter echoed around, an old man among them said, “Excuse me. May I have a moment of your time?” He took the violin into his hand, plucked each string and expertly adjusted the tuning pegs....and placing the violin under his chin, he began to play. Lovely clear notes filled the room, and the audience sat frozen with awe listening to that heavenly solo. As he ended the solo, handed over the violin to the auctioneer and walked away slowly, the audience burst into spontaneous applause.
The smiling auctioneer held up the old violin and said again, “What am I bid for this MOST EXTRAORDINARY instrument? A $1000 to the man in top hat....I hear $2000 from the woman in the front...$3000...$4000....Do I hear $5000...Five it is...Five going once...Five going twice...SOLD.”
Once fine-tuned, the value of the violin went up dramatically and people started appreciating it. All that it requires is perhaps a small fine-tuning of what we do and who we are to maximize the value of our work and our lives.

MERRY CRISTMAS! The Best for you always!
With love and regards,
B. Sivaprasad
Corporate Trainer and Motivational Speaker
Hyderabad 500072, India

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