Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Saturday Stories from Siva (22): The Story of a Woman and Her Secret

With the year-end fast approaching, it’s time to learn some secrets so that those unfinished targets and unaccomplished goals could be fast achieved. Pls take a look at this week’s Saturday story, “The Story of a Woman and Her Secret.”
The Story of a Woman and Her Secret
An excerpt from the book, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne
She hails from Australia. A few years ago, her life had collapsed around her. Her father died suddenly, and her relationships with her work colleagues and loved ones were in turmoil. Around that time, her daughter gave her a gift that contained the Secret to life, which changed her life. A burning desire to share The Secret consumed her, and the vision of taking The Secret to the world in the form of a film had become fixed in her mind.
She found out that most of the present day teachers who knew that secret lived in the United States. She wanted to film them. She did not secure a confirmation from any one of them. However, she knew the Secret, and so with utter FAITH, she flew from Australia to the United States. Seven weeks later, The Secret team had filmed fifty-five of the greatest teachers, with over 120 hours of the film. They literally magnetized everything and everyone to them. Eight months later, the film was released and received a world-wide acclaim. People who watched the film changed their lives. And she thought, through a book, she could rather reach out and take The Secret and thereby the joy of learning the secret to billions around the world. She is Rhonda Byrne, the producer of the movie and the author of the book, The Secret.
I have read the book several times, and I have encouraged my family and friends to read it. I am sure some of you who have already read it know the value of reading it. If you haven’t read it yet, you may like to take the earliest opportunity to get a copy of it and read it. More info on secret could be found online at The Secret’s website:

The Best for you always!
With love and regards,
B. Sivaprasad
Corporate Trainer and Motivational Speaker

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