Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday Motivation From Scriptures (MMFS-20): Humility is heroic and courage is contagious

It is ordinary human nature to look down upon with dislike and disrespect the people with lower levels of ability, conduct, and character. The rich scorn the poor; the beautiful, the plain; the strong, the weak; the brave, the timid, etc. But great souls and true heroes do not do that. They instead help others rise above their weakness.
Humility is heroic and courage is contagious
During the year of exile, Pandavas lived in disguise in the kingdom of Matsya ruled by the King Virata. One day when the king and his entire army were out to defend one side of his kingdom, the Kauravas attacked it from another. There was no one left in the palace except his son prince Uttara who spoke boastfully in front of the ladies of the palace, “If only I can get someone who can be my charioteer (rathasaradhi), I will go and beat the enemy single-handed. I am as good as Arjuna.” 

Arjuna, who was living there in the disguise of a danseuse eunuch, Brihannala, agreed to become his charioteer, and rode the chariot quickly to the battlefield. As they approached the enemy, Uttara saw a great army of Kauravas and its huge strength, became fearful, jumped off the chariot and started walking back saying, “How can I fight this army single-handed? I have no troops. I cannot do it. I simply cannot.” Arjuna persuaded the running prince telling him, “Have no fear. Behave like a Kshatriya. I shall fight with the Kauravas. Help me by driving the chariot. Believe me, WE will rout the enemy. YOU will have the glory.” Arjuna then revealed himself to Uttara, fought with the army, and defeated them. After this experience, Uttar gained much courage.  
That was Arjuna’s characteristic nobility. He never abused his strength and power. He did not ridicule Uttara for his bragging and boastful remarks, neither for his cowardice. He rather showed humility and put courage into Uttara. It is tempting to belittle the weak, humiliate the boastful, and hate the wrong. But succumbing to such a temptation is unworthy and unbecoming of a true hero. 

With love and regards,

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