Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday Motivation From Scriptures (MMFS-11): Forgiveness – The Best Gift You Could Give to Yourself

Christmas celebrations are on, and people are in joyful moods everywhere. Merry Christmas! A few months ago, I watched a movie “Amazing Love” that depicted the story of Hosea and Gomer from The Bible. This story is very powerful with a key revelation – an understanding that would enable anyone to forgive anyone for any kind of mistakes.
Forgiveness – The Best Gift You Could Give to Yourself
Hosea was a budding young preacher in the kingdom of Israel. He, going by the word of God, married Gomer, a woman of bad character. While Hosea had deep unselfish love for Gomer, she was never happy with him. Her desire for riches and lavish life was not satisfied with him. She deserted Hosea and the children and walked away from home to stay with her rich lover.

After a while, one day when her lover was annoyed with her behavior and lost interest in her, he got her beaten up, and put her up for auction. Hosea came to know about it, but was in a dilemma whether to save her and bring her home or not. He looked heavenwards and asked, “God, tell me how could you still forgive us despite all the betrayal and the sins we committed?” And it occurred to him like a flash and said, “God, I know now. Your love for us does not depend on us.” He went to the auction, bought her, and brought her back saying to her, “I love you. You will never be for another man.”
"To err is human, to forgive, divine." Everyone does a mistake or many at sometime or the other. Yet, it becomes difficult to forgive others for their mistakes. Hosea could forgive Gomer because of his unconditional love for her that emanated from his faith in God and his understanding of the need to forgive.  In fact, when you forgive, you gain more than the forgiven as your pain and feelings of betrayal are offloaded. With forgiveness, you become more relieved and peaceful.

With love and regards,

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