Monday, August 27, 2012

Every End is a New Beginning

Had a bad season? Encountered with a failure? Gone through the disappointment of not being able to achieve something you dearly wanted to? When was it? Many years ago or this year itself or even yesterday? Has it happened despite the well worked out plans and the best possible efforts?
What is the best recourse to deal with a failure? Robert Schuller, who hosted a nationally televised show on American TV for about 2 decades “The Hour of Power”and interviewed many of the ‘Who is Who” of America, has the answers. In his book, “Success is Never Ending, Failure is Never Final” he narrates a very interesting story to take courage and come out of a failure. That is the story of a “seed” which I would like to share with you through this week’s TNSS(19).
One day, a wild wind disturbed a peaceful family of seeds, and the strong breeze carried one of them and flung the helpless seed far away. So the single seed fell onto a strange and alien shore. Stepped on by an unfriendly boot, the seed got buried into a dry crack. It was trapped. An imprisoned refugee.  Discarded. Separated from family. Alone, helpless, and hopeless. But, deep within the heart of that seed, there was a miraculous life force that challenged death. It cried out, “I shall live and not die.”

With the first drop of morning mist oozed into that crack, the small seed absorbed the friendly moisture. As the dust slipped into the crack, the struggling seed cried out once more, “I shall take root and grow.” Silently, it sent out its tiny hairy roots that discovered more moisture, more nourishment, until the seed with all its determination, broke wide open and burst forth with new life. And, on a bright sunny morning, it emerged out of the soil, and proudly declared, “Here I am, world! I made it against impossible odds. And you can too!”
Robert says, “If the little seed could make it, why don’t we think we can too. EVERY END IS A NEW BEGINNING! What may feel like an end may be just the darkness before the beginning of a new dream, a new challenge, a new opportunity, a new tomorrow. As the seed broke through the soil to raise its head to the bright new world, we too can break through the struggles of failure to a new and wonderful life. Robert explains that “Every End is a New Beginning” through the following means:
1. Learn from the experience. Start over again. It can be fun, and it can be done.
2. Try, and keep trying until you get want you want.
3. Take the first step. Be willing to start small. You simply must make a positive move!
4. Look at what you have left. Never look at what you have lost.
5. Keep believing, there’s a HOPE for a breakthrough for you.
6. Go beyond the limits. You can break away from the self-imposed limits, when you think bigger.
7. However hard and disheartening the failure was, don’t throw the curtains across. You can look forward to a new tomorrow.
8. Tomorrow is today. Concentrate on today, for your tomorrow is today. How you think and act today will determine your future.

To your SUCCESS, With all of my love,
Today is a New Day  Do YOU know what will happen tomorrow   book cover 2  sucess_hardcover

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