Monday, July 9, 2012

Trainer's Notes for SUCCESS from Siva (16): Want to earn More Money? Yes YOU can

"Let me tell you about the very rich
They are different from you and me.
                         - F. Scott Fitzgerald

This week, I would like to share with you the gist of the 2nd chapter 'I WANT MORE....MONEY' from the same book I reviewed last week, 'I WANT MORE' by Stephanie Myers.

Though money is not everything in life, it is very much required to do something worthwhile in life or at least to live life comfortably by being able to meet the day-to-day needs and satisfy the desires one may have. So, we all want to have more money than what we have today. Is it that we really don't have enough to live our life comfortably today? Or we think that we definitely needed more of it to make life much better for us? Anyway, money is definitely an important element of our lives and our quest to earn more of it is nothing but natural. Stephanie Myers, in her book suggests some ideas on HOW to attract more money into our lives which I would like to post through this week's blog post.
Rich people take risks
If we want to make big bucks, we have to be willing to take risks. Although making money will always involve risk-taking, we can avoid any serious loss by making good plans. We can always plan and choose our risks. For that, it is important for us to identify the path towards more money, then understand the risks involved, plan well, make a commitment to tread on the chosen path. To be able to be willing to take those risks, the easiest recipe is the WPS, Worst Possible Scenario. All we have to do is ask ourselves, 'what is the worst that could happen?'. Then work out what we could do in detail if that did happen. Find the answers, and march forward.

Exactly how much more do you want?
More? How much more? How much is more? The point is that we can get more motivated about a specific object than we can about a pile of money. What we need to start doing is setting ourselves specific goals for the things we want and the amount of money we need for buying them. Else, you will always be groping in the darkness, and no amount of money, however large it is, will bring you happiness. So, better be clear about how much more you want to earn and by when it is? Grab a pencil and start jotting down your specific needs, desires, and dreams, and work out the specific amount of money you would need for having them in your life.

Tips for those in EMPLOYMENT
Are you in the right job with right pay? There is a way to find out if the job you are currently doing is the right  job for you or not. Similarly, you can also find out what you are getting now is the right pay for you. If yes, continue to enjoy doing the job, giving more and more and contributing to the organization you are working for. If not, it's time to do some serious research and put in your best effort to get into a job that provides you with the profile you would love to be in and at the same time gives you the packet that would help you and your family buy what you want.

Tips for the SELF-EMPLOYED
Firstly, it is important to choose something you enjoy, and then be able to be the best at what you do. You've also got to be able to let the right people know how good you are. And, definitely, it is time to stop thinking why you might fail, and start finding the reasons why you must succeed. It's never too late. And anything is possible when you decide to really go for it.
Well, earning money is not a bad idea. Even trying to earn more and more of it is not greedy. If you think it otherwise, you might like to take a re-look at it. After all, we have a responsibility to ourselves &our family and also to our society at large. We would be able to serve others better if have more money with us. For those who would like to earn more money, there are always viable ideas. But, besides having ideas, one should also be willing to put in the extra time and earn MORE MONEY.

To YOUR greater financial SUCCESS,
With love always,
I want More_Book Cover

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