Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday Story from Siva (42): Story of an Ant and a Bird and their Acts of Symbiosis

A very good Saturday morning to you. Are there times when we said, “I would do it all alone, and I don’t need anyone’s help.” Perhaps, one did succeed doing it all by oneself. But how much and how often is the question. To be dependent or independent or interdependent or all of them?? Please read on…
Saturday Story from Siva (42): Story of an Ant and a Bird and their Acts of Symbiosis
An Excerpt of a story from Aesop’s Fables
bird and ant_interdependence_imageOnce upon a time, there was an ant, which lived on the banks of a pond. One day, while trying to quench its thirst, it fell into the pond and found itself drowning. Noticing the danger that the ant was going through, a bird sitting on the tree above snapped a leaf and dropped it into the pond below so that the ant could climb up on to it and rescue itself. The ant took advantage of the floating leaf and reached to its safety.
A few days later, a bird hunter came to the same tree where the ant and the bird lived. He aimed at the bird and was about to shoot an arrow to kill the bird. Noticing the danger for the bird, the ant stung the hunter on his heel, which disturbed him and also the direction of his arrow. The bird flew off to safety.
Wav! That’s a great example of interdependence demonstrated by the little creatures. No one is all by himself that he would never need anybody’s help. There are times that one would certainly need help of somebody or the other to survive and move forward. No one could ever make it great by being either totally dependent or totally independent. More liberal and generous acts and expressions of interdependence lead to opportunities for greater survival, success, and happiness. And, that could be at our own home… or the communities we live in… or the offices we work at.
The Best for you always.
With love and regards,

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