Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday Story from Siva (33): The Story of a monk who tried to emulate

Hope you are doing great. Has been a pleasure posting a story every Saturday for last several weeks. It is of great help to me as it is reinforcing my own learning. And, I hope you too find it of value to share them among your contacts.
The Story of a monk who tried to emulate
Anonymous (Courtesy: Purushotham Rudraraju)
A Zen tale tells of three monks who practiced meditation together, sitting by the side of a lake. One day, one monk opened his eyes and stood up to say, “I forgot my mat.” Instead of walking around the lake to their hut, he stepped onto the water and serenely walked across the lake! Upon his return, the second monk declared, “I forgot to put my clothes to dry.” He too walked across the water and returned the same way.
Now the third monk decided to test of his own abilities. He rose to declare, “Your learning cannot be greater than mine… I too can match any feat you two can perform.” He rushed to the water's edge to walk across it. He promptly fell into the deep water. Wet but undeterred, he climbed out of the water and tried again, only to sink into the water. The other two monks watched as this went on for some time.
After a while, the second monk turned to the first and said, "Do you think we should tell him where the stones are?"
Emulating great people and their great feats is certainly advisable. However, it is important to learn the true reasons of their success so as to achieve the success to a similar degree. The desire to succeed alone will not help, unless it is coupled with the knowledge and the effort required for the task. And sometimes, that effort may not be a too difficult one, if one could try to acquire the right knowledge by looking deep into it.
The Best for you always,
With love and regards,

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