Thursday, July 2, 2015

Unstoppable Updates (26): These creatures know how to flourish between the devil and deep sea

Imagine the temperatures of 750 degrees Fahrenheit blowing hot on one side and the freezing temperatures of antarctica's deep ocean waters on the other side! Yes between these two extremes lie the smart creatures called "Yeti Crabs" that manage to maintain a delicate balance to not only to live through but to multiply and flourish in billions. How do they manage to do that? Let us take a look.

This antarctica wonder was discovered to be a new species of crabs. They are named Kiwa tyleri. They prefer temperatures in the range of 95 - 104 degrees fahrenheit. But where can they find that kind of place in Antarctica that happened to be their home. Yes, they virtually discovered it. They located  a place at the depths of the ocean closer to the mouths of the hydrothermal vents that spew water as hot as 750 degrees Fahrenheit. The water gushing out of the vents quickly cools down as it meets the surrounding cold water its very high pressure. That zone where the cold and hot waters meet form a narrow window of opportunity with temperatures that are neither freezing like that of the ocean nor hot like that of the water blown out of the hydrothermal vents. They make it their habitat - their home.

They delicately balance their movements as if they are walking on a tight rope. If they venture to move a few steps closer to the vents, they get roasted, and if they go too fare from them, they get frozen to death. They are aware of this danger. They very intelligently find their food within that narrow window and also a way to perpetuate and multiply in large numbers.  They adapted themselves to survive and thrive on.

After all, these little guys know that their situation is no different from any other creatures in this world. They do not treat themselves as a disadvantaged lot in any way than any other creatures. They live a life of an adventure. And they know that the life is best lived when it is lived like an adventure. They are neither scared of the devil nor the deep sea for they know how to adapt and how to find a way out even in the most terrifying conditions. They are unstoppable.

Yes, it is possible. The crabs could do it with a bit of will to survive and a zeal to live. That paved the way. Where there is a will, there is a way. With the will to do and zeal to succeed, you and I can also become unstoppable. 

To your continued SUCCESS,
With love and regards,

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