Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thought of the Day (26): Yes, YOU can make a great impact because....

“You have been created in order that you might make a difference.  You have within you the power to change
the world.” 
 - Andy Andrews, Author, The Butterfly Effect

Is it possible for an ordinary person with a typical family, living in an unremarkable house near a middling town, doing routine chores and regular activities, to radically change the lives of millions of people a world away? YES. 

Yes, it is possible. Wherever you are and whatever you are, your contribution to this planet matters. It is only that at times, the impact is not seen instantaneously. But that act of yours sets in motion what is called butterfly effect which would eventually show up results in the same place where you are or any other place in the world.

Watch this video:

To your continued success,
With love,

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