Thursday, January 5, 2017

L & D Series - Post 4: ATTITUDE, The 1st of the 3 Areas for Improvement

Let us look at the 1st of the 3 areas for improvement, The ATTITUDE in this post.

Every one has an attitude. You have it. I have it. Every animal has it. Even plants and the seeds have it. Yes. They too have it. But the question is about the "kind of attitude" we possess. That determines what we are and what we become in our life. It is so important that you can change your life by just changing your attitude.

Attitude is nothing but your thoughts. It is the way you think about yourself and your world. It is the manner in which you treat yourself and others. It is the way you see at things and situations and respond to them. It is all about your thoughts, your perceptions, and your responses. And it boils down ultimately to your choices. You have total control on it, and no one else is responsible to your attitude.

It is with your attitude that you attract everything into your life, good or bad, success or failure, joy or misery, friends or foes, prosperity or poverty. And you are attracting it all the time like a magnet. Beware of it! Choose your thoughts rightly. Think of good about others and also good things for you. Form your attitude for your success, peace, and happiness.

I decide today to develop a positive attitude and nurture it carefully as I move forward in pursuit of my goals and dreams. How about you? Take a look at your attitude today. And be conscious of it and nourish it carefully as you move forward.

To your continued success,
With love,

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