Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday Motivation for Success from Siva (59): The story of king Solomon and the secret to his great riches

December has arrived. The mood of Christmas is all around. Everyone is eager to spread cheer and share joy with the near and dear. I would like to share with you the stories from the The Holy Bible through Monday Motivations during this month of December. Let us take a look at the story of king Solomon and learn the secret that made him the richest king ever to rule the kingdom of Israel.. 
The story of king Solomon and the secret to his great riches
(Source of info: The Holy Bible, 1 Chronicles 21-29; 2 Chronicles 1-9)
David was the king of Israel for 40 years. When he became old, he chose his son Solomon as his successor. Though David had many sons and Solomon was still young and inexperienced, David made him the king going by the word of God. Then, David handed over to Solomon the plans of building a temple for the God and told him, "Be strong and courageous, and do it. Do not fear; be not downhearted' for the God is with you. He will not abandon you; He will not leave you until all the work of building the lord's temple is completed."

Solomon as such was very god-loving. He served him wholeheartedly with a mind filled with utmost gratitude.  One night, God appeared to Solomon and said to him, "What shall I give you? Ask me." Solomon answered, "Oh God, please give me wisdom and knowledge that I may properly conduct myself before these great people of yours."

Then God replied to Solomon, "You did not ask me for wealth, riches, and honour, or the death of your adversaries, or even for long life. You rather asked for wisdom and knowledge so as to govern wisely my people over whom I made you the king. Therefore, wisdom and knowledge are granted to you. I will also add to these the wealth, riches, and honour so much that none of your predecessors have had before you, nor any of your successors will have after you."
Thus, Solomon became greater than all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom. He ruled the kingdom of Israel for 40 years as not only the wealthiest of all the kings but also the most honoured king ever.
If we look a little deeper into what king Solomon asked for, we will notice that he asked not just for knowledge. He also asked for 'wisdom' - the ability to put the knowledge to right use and the power to right purpose. Having knowledge and power is important. But more important than that is using them in the right manner, especially when it comes to dealing with people. Let us understand and appreciate that immense importance of wisdom in dealing with people and develop it consciously for improved interpersonal relationships at home and work place.

To your continued SUCCESS,
With love,
PS: For the Bible stories published during December 2014, here are the links:
1) The Parable of the Good Samaritan:

2) The Golden Rule:

3) Forgiveness – The Best Gift You Could Give to Yourself:

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