Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday Motivation From Scriptures (MMFS-15): Enthusiasm is Key to Success

People are most productive when they are cheerful and least when depressed. Failure leads to depression. But that depression will only lead to further failure. Is it possible to remain enthusiastic at such times so that we could recover faster and stay on the road to success? Let us look at this incident from Sundarakanda of The Ramayana.
Enthusiasm is Key to Success
Hanuman went to Lanka to locate Sita Devi. He searched every place without leaving even an inch of Lanka unsearched. But he failed to locate Sita Devi. He felt very depressed. He thought for a moment and imagined how serious the consequences would be if he returned home without the news of Sita Devi, “The vanaras will die of heartbreak. Rama will not be alive. Lakshmana won’t be either.” He felt so depressed that he even thought it would be better for him to die than to return without the news of Sita Devi. 

But, he was very wise. He quickly overcame his depression as he said to himself, “Enthusiasm is the root of all welfare. It is the ultimate joy. It is enthu of a man that drives him forward in all of his endeavors. Enthu is what makes all acts of man successful. I will now discard all the depression from my mind and start searching for Sita Devi with enthu.” With such thoughts, he came out of his depression.

There lied the Ashoka Vanam right in front of him. Though he searched earlier the whole of Lanka, it was not to be seen. Now that his mind was filled with enthu, it became visible and he could locate Sita Devi in it and complete his mission to Lanka successfully.
That’s what happens. When mind is depressed, opportunities become invisible; people become weaker, feel helpless, and get frustrated. On the other hand, with enthu people become positive, optimistic, and energetic. Suddenly, the obstacles start appearing as opportunities. Enthu transforms ‘impossible’ to I’m possible. 

With love and regards,

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