Friday, August 29, 2014

Unstoppable Updates (15) Why Lord Ganesha has only one tusk? (COMMITMENT is paramount)

Happy Ganesh Chaturdhi!

Legend has it that the sage Ved Vyasa required someone to write down the Mahabharata while he was dictating it. He approached Lord Ganesha and asked him if he would do so. Ganesha agreed with one condition, "you must dictate without pause or hesitation and my pen must not stop while I am writing". Vyasa agreed to it and said "I will narrate the story and you must take it down as fast as I say it and should not interrupt or stop anywhere in between." After some days of writing, the stylus (ancient writing implement) used by Ganesha broke suddenly and as there was a condition that he should not stop writing he broke off one of his tusks and started writing with it.  

Ganesha thus symbolizes the character of commitment and sacrifice. No sacrifice is big enough in the pursuit of knowledge and accomplishing the tasks that one commits to. Commitment is paramount.

With love and regards,

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