Monday, August 20, 2012

Trainer's Notes for SUCCESS from Siva (18): From TGW to TGR and WOW – The Tom Peters Approach

It has again been many weeks since I last posted the TNSS on my blog. Have been occupied with responsibilities on the domestic front, a couple of urgent assignments with my clients, and some exploration associated with the subject I have been contemplating to study, write about, and express my views in the form of a book. Glad coming back to you with the TNSS again today.

I was introduced to the book, “The Tom Peters SEMINAR” way back in 1997 when I was working for Monsanto. Since then, I have been reading it on and off and also referring to it once in a while for new and crazy ideas. I shall share some insights drawn from the Chapter 8 (From TGW to TGR and WOW!) of this book as this week’s TNSS.
Book Cover Page            tom_peters_crop
In an organizational set up, there are production processes, marketing plans& their execution, people management, financial practices, and many more areas that must be dealt with on a daily basis. Not all of them go the right way at all the times. As a result, we have a mix of Things Gone Wrong (TGW) and Things gone Right (TGR). Where should we focus on? TGW or TGR?

Tom Peters compared, in his book, the American Auto manufacturers with those of Japan. For instance, the American companies’ quality measures included watching the ‘things gone wrong – TGW’ and reducing the TGW score – TGW per 100 cars produced. But, while they were fixated on minimizing the TGW, the Japanese began to shift their sights to ‘miryokuteki hinshitsu’ or “things gone right –TGR”. The difference between the two - ‘nice average cars’ vs. ‘wav, look at these cars!’ In essence, lessening TGW may help produce the numbers but it is with TGR that one will be able to increase customer’s delight.

GO for the GLOW
Transformation. Breaking the mold. Anything – ANYTHING – can be made special. From dining in restaurants to waiting in airports, riding in cabs to visiting hospitals, teaching in schools to training in offices, marketing watches to selling seeds and farm inputs, and what not? Anything and everything? You can make your customer feel ‘the WOW’. An element of emotional link between the customer and the product or service does the trick. Technical excellence alone is not enough. HEART! Putting heart and soul in every product we make or every service we provide is essential to bring that WOW, that GLOW, and that TINGLE..... Moving from mechanistic TGW – reduction programs to innovative TGR – enhancing efforts will lead to that coveted ‘WOW and SUCCESS in what you do.
Is your product or your service just passing the required standards and meeting the prescribed norms? Or is it making the customers say ‘wav’ and feel ‘delighted’? Check where your focus is? On TGW or TGR? Shift it to the TGR, both at home and in office, learn from it the right things, promote them, and see the transformation that it will bring about. Phenomenal! Go for it... NOW.

“Quality doesn’t have to be defined, you understand it without definition.”
_ Robert Pirsig, the author of ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’
Pls take a look at the list of the chapters of this book given at the bottom of this blog post.

To Your Great SUCCESS,
With a heart of love and gratitude,
Book Chapters

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