Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday Story from Siva (35): Story of a King and His Approach to Leading His People

Good morning! Leadership is something which we get to experience at various levels. At school or a college, at home as well as at work, at a village or a community level or at a national or global level.. No one is all by himself any more. Everyone is a part of one team or the other; as a member in one team while being the leader of the other. How do we approach the team, especially when we are the leader of the team?
Story of a King and His Approach to Leading His People
Source: Internet info
One day a sage came to a King for an interview. The sage had to wait for a long time because the King was very busy. Finally, the King said he could come in.
When the sage entered the hall, the first thing he did was to take off his hat and bow to the King. Immediately the King took his crown off and bowed to the sage. The ministers and others who were around the King asked, "What are you doing? He took off his hat because he is an ordinary man. But you are the King. Why should you have to take your crown off?"
The King said to his ministers, "You fools, do you think I wish to remain inferior to an ordinary man? He is humble and modest. His humility is a great virtue. He showed his respect to me. If I did not take off my crown, then I would be showing less humility than an ordinary man. If I am the King, I should be better than everybody in everything. That is why I took off my crown and bowed to him!”
Being humble when the position is low is good. But it is great if a person who acquires power shows humility and remains humble. We all appreciate when someone occupying a high office comes down to reach out and empathise with the people who are in need. How nice it would be if everyone relinquishes the desire to “control” and develops the attitude to “collaborate”? ‘Humility unto others’ is a great virtue. Let it be expressed at home and work. The world deserves to be a more joyful place.
The Best for you always!
With love and regards,

1 comment:

Sarath Babu Balijepalli said...

A good human being is the one who displays 'humility' at all times. There is absolutely no question about it. However the question is, how humble we are to the people next to us? is all that is very significant and I believe that it reflects in your life whether or not you are successful. The heirarchy in either government executive or any political dispensation seems to display more of controlling and humiliating subordinates than humility and compassion for others.
I like this story. Good for you and for all those who read this small little story.