Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Story from Siva (29): Swami Vivekananda and the Power of Concentration

A very good Saturday morning! Hope the New Year has begun well for you, and you have set your new targets for yourself the year 2011. Time runs very fast. Three-fourths of the first month are already spent. And before we realize the year will be gone. Would like to share with you this week the story of ‘Personal Experience of Swami Vivekananda’ on one of the key elements for success in whatever one may undertake. Here it is for your reading!
The Story of Swami Vivekananda and The Power of Concentration
An excerpt from the book, “Swami Vivekananda-The Friend of All”
An interesting thing happened when Swamiji went to the United States of America for the second time. One day he was walking along the bank of a river, he found a group of youngsters shooting at a string of eggshells bobbing up on the water. The youths tried in turns, but none could hit the target. Swamiji, who was watching all this, felt amused. He could not suppress his smile and this did not escape the attention of one of the young men who said in a challenging tone, “The task is not as easy as it looks, sir. Let us see how you do it.”
Swamiji said nothing, but took the gun from the boy’s hand and hit twelve shells in succession. The youths were awe-struck and supposed Swamiji was a brilliant marksman. Swamiji could read their minds. He told them he had never in his life fired a shot before and that the secret of his success was his concentration.
We all know that focus is an important factor that contributes to success in any endeavour. The challenge, however, remains how to stay focussed without being distracted. To be able to concentrate, one could perhaps first gain a clear picture of what is to be done and why is it required. There is a lot of power in asking oneself, “WHY?” The clearer and the more convincing the answer to it is the greater the concentration to accomplish it.
The Best for you always!
With love and regards,

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